Invest in our next generation of problem solvers by becoming a sponsor today!
Ways to Give
Send a check to: Minnesota Academy of Science, 970 Raymond Ave., #103, St. Paul, MN 55114.
Email to discuss your preferences or arrange for a donation through your giving platform or via ACH payment.
Current Priorities
MAS offers many ways to invest in our impact. However, our greatest need right now is for new FORSE sponsors (or general operating funds to support areas of greatest need). Without new FORSE sponsors, MAS may not be able to meet all the identified needs of our current educational partners!
Sponsor FORSE today!
Bring free STEM enrichment to MN youth from diverse backgrounds.
Benefits of Sponsorship
MAS offers many opportunities to sponsor programs, events, and materials that directly benefit Minnesota students and support hands-on STEM learning in our state. When you invest in MAS programs, you are investing in the future of our communities and our workforce.
Sponsorships range from $100 to $50,000+.
MAS recognizes sponsors in a variety of ways, including posting your logo on our website, in our program materials, through social media, and in our monthly e-news.
Learn more about sponsorship opportunities below or contact
Operating Support
General operating funds support all our programs and enable us to put your gift to work where it is needed most. Unrestricted funds provide MAS with the most flexibility — and provide your organization with maximum visibility and recognition.
Program Sponsorships
All MAS STEM education programs need sponsors. Sponsor levels and visibility vary by program (see chart above) and custom options are available! Learn more about the specific needs of each program below. In-kind donations and event space are also frequently welcome.
MN State Science Bowls
Science Bowl sponsors support outreach to new schools, team fee waivers, and these annual competitions for middle and high school students. LEARN MORE.
MN State Science & Engineering Fair
MAS seeks both award sponsors and event sponsors for our annual State Science Fair. We hope that organizations will be both! LEARN MORE.
Winchell Undergraduate Research Symposium
Winchell sponsors support this annual forum for undergraduates to share their research. LEARN MORE.
FORSE STEM Enrichment
FORSE sponsors bring free, fun, hands-on STEM activities to girls and communities of color in Minnesota. LEARN MORE.
mas strives to create open, collaborative partnerships with our sponsors.
We adhere to the DOnor BIll of rights.
Contact Us
Please feel free to contact with questions about supporting our initiatives or to discuss your wishes!