Minnesota STEM News and Events

Keep informed with STEM in the North Star State by subscribing to our monthly newsletter. You’ll receive a digest of the top statewide STEM stories, upcoming STEM educational events, plus ideas for engaging in STEM from home.

Past Newsletters & Annual Reports

Through the summer of 2017, MAS published printed newsletters twice per year featuring program highlights and annual reporting. Since then, MAS has expanded its once bi-weekly (now monthly) e-newsletter to include MN STEM research updates, MAS program news, and other feature stories — and to bring this news to a larger audience through our website and social media. The program updates and impact that we used to cover in our bi-annual newsletters can now be found on our website.

Summer 2017

Board election news | Students go national | State Science & Engineering Fair results and images | Virtual Reality Science Salon | Winchell Undergraduate Research Symposium | New Entries: Journal of Student Research | Historical Highlights: Journal of MAS | High School STEM Communicator Awards | 2018 Dates!

MSSEF Highlights

A special highlights compilation of the 2017 Minnesota State Science & Engineering Fair, including images and testimonials of what the experience means to students, from the perspective of their mentors.

Spring 2017

Thanks Volunteers! | Volunteer pictures | Science Bowl results | Students Answer: Why Science? | Science Salon: EcoLab | Science Salon: Reinventing Cities | MinnTS: Virtual/augmented reality | COMING: Science Salon | COMING: Winchell Research Symposium | NEW: Journal of MAS | CALL: High School STEM Award | CALL: Request for Stories | Staff Contacts | SPONSORS | FINANCIALS

Fall/Winter 2016

Donations | New Staff | 2017 Volunteers Needed | Opportunity for Students | Minnesota Technical Symposium | Science Salon: Bee Lab | ALUMNI: Where Is She Now? Bethany Rosemore | PROGRAM: Journal of the MAS | PROGRAM: High School STEM Award | PROGRAM: Science Fair/JSHS | Thank You Sponsors | Staff Contacts | Request for Stories

Summer 2016

Message from Outgoing President | Message from Incoming President | Science Salon: Infectious diseases | Program Alum: Logan Pallin in Antarctica | Minnesota Technical Symposium | Why We Volunteer | Science Bowl images | Science Fair images | Junior Science & Humanities Symposium images | Coming Up: Winchell Undergraduate Research Symposium | STEM Award judges needed | General Mills Keynote from Heidi Teoh | The Work of Our Sponsors | Sponsorship Options | Financial Reporting

Fall/Winter 2015

Message from President: Citizen Science | Coming Up: Science Bowls in January and February | Science Salon with Dr. Fotis Sotiropoulos, St. Anthony Falls Lab | About: Minnesota State Science & Engineering Fair | Why We Volunteer | About: Junior Science & Humanities Symposium | About: Winchell Undergraduate Research Symposium | About: High School STEM Communicator Awards | In Their Own Words: 2015 STEM Winners | International Sustainable World (Energy, Engineering, and Environment) Project | Seagate Excellence in Science Mentoring Award | From Parent to Mentor: Leveraging My Science Training to Help Youth Excel | Special Note From Augsburg | Matching Grant Information | Sponsorship Opportunities

Summer 2015

How Sponsors Help Us Fulfill Our Mission | 3M Supports Science Fair from Day One | Seagate is Instrumental in Helping the State Science & Engineering Fair Promote Excellence in Science | Ecolab has a Long History of Believing in Students | Reviewing Student Research Papers | Learning from Peers at the Winchell Undergraduate Research Symposium | My First (and Last) Science Fair | Team Minnesota Travels to Pittsburgh, PA for the 66th Annual Intel ISEF | It All Started with a Simple 6th Grade Science Experiment

February 2015

Thank You, Volunteers! | Message from the President | Mayo Clinic Sports Med | Water Quality Sustainability | Science Bowl | Volunteers Needed | Financial Report

Fall 2014

Your Support Can Make a Difference | Message From the President | Science Salon at the BioTechnology Institute | Bioremediation of Fracking Wastewater | The World of 3M Innovation | Smith Hall Centennial | Preserving and Digitizing the Journal | Minnesota Economic Association Undergraduate Paper Contest | Carolyn Jons Wins National JSHS | News and Announcements

Summer 2014

Message from the Executive Director | Message from the President | Science Salon Recap | Doubling the Rewards | Annual Meeting Recap | Presenting at Winchell | Science Fair Recap | Seagate Rising Star | Now and Then | JSHS Recap | Preparing for College | Science Bowl Recap | Four Years of Science Bowl | STEM Communicator Awards | Staff Changes | White House Science Fair | Thank You to Our Sponsors

Newsletter & Annual Report Winter 2014

2013 Programs Report | Message from the President | Science Salon at Fab Lab | What is a Fab Lab? | Science Fair Presents Opportunities for Students | Reflections on Science Fair | Volunteering for MSSEF | Upcoming Events | Staff Changes | 2013 Financial Report

Fall 2013

Looking Forward to 2014 | Novel Wind Turbine Technologies Presented at 2013 MinnTS | Developing High-Performance Magnets from Abundant Elements | Recap: First Science Salon | Board Perspective: Science Salon was a Successful Event | Wheat Stem Rust Lecture by Dr. Philip Pardey | MAS Welcomes New Board Members | Membership on the Planning Committee for the MAS Annual Meeting | Student Perspective on 2013 Minnesota State Science & Engineering Fair | Call for Volunteers

Summer 2013

Messages from the Executive Director, the Past President, and the President | Recaps of 2013 Programs | Music as Inspiration for an Orthopedic Device | Presenting Chemotherapy Research at the Intel International Science & Engineering Fair | The Value of Science Fair for Students | Inventing a Tef Seeder to Aid Developing Nations | Winning National JSHS After Four Years | Gaining More Than Just Knowledge | Coaching Middle School Science Bowl Teams

Fall 2012

New HS Communicator Award | Reflections on Science Bowl | Roger Larsen Retires | Dr. Cynthia Welsh Inspires to Excel

Summer 2011

STEM Day at MN State Fair | Wayne Wolsey recieves Lifetime Achievement Award | From the Director's Desk: Where Does our Money Go? | Blake Middle School wins Hydrogen Fuel Car Race | What Students are Saying...

Newsletter/Annual Report from January 2011

Save the Date: MN Technical Symposium | Science Bowl Statistics | Science Fair Statistics | Annual Meeting/Winchell Statistics | 6-year MAS Financial Report

Fall 2010

First Lady attends National Science Bowl | New BioGENEius Award coming to MSSEF | MN STEM Network | New Science Specialist at MDE

Aug/Sept 2009

Why did the 35W Bridge Fail? | MAS Membership Benefits | Proceedings from Vintage Academy Journals | An ER Physician Reflects on a Scientific Career | MN students meet President Obama

Annual Report 2007 - 2008

New Staff join the Academy | Senator Amy Klobuchar at MSSEF | MAS YE Financial Statement