Judges are needed in all STEM areas for the 2025 Winchell Symposium will be held Saturday, April 26, at North Hennepin Community College! Register by April 12 (the registration fee is waived for judges)!
Special Thanks to our 2024 Judges
Eric Baack PhD, Luther College
Jennifer Biederman PhD, Minnesota Trout Unlimited
Madalyn Bollig MS, Saint Mary's University of Minnesota
William Boyle PhD, Anoka-Ramsey Community College
Scott Carnahan PhD, Saint Mary's University of Minnesota
Heidi Dahlmann PhD, Saint Mary's University of Minnesota
Randy Faustino PhD, University of South Dakota
Rod Feddersen PhD, retired scientist
Megan Girtman PhD, Saint Mary's University of Minnesota
Takashi Maie PhD, St. Olaf College
Debra Martin PhD, Saint Mary's University of Minnesota
Betsy Martinez-Vaz PhD, Hamline University
Molly McNicoll PhD, Luther College
Ben Pauli PhD, Saint Mary's University of Minnesota
Katie Pierpont PhD, Saint Mary's University of Minnesota
Claudia Preston PhD, Saint Mary's University of Minnesota
Matt Rowley PhD, Saint Mary's University of Minnesota
John Schmidt PhD, Medtronic
Heather Sklenicka PhD, Rochester Community and Technical College
Jennifer Sweatman PhD, Concordia College - Moorhead
Aeisha Thomas PhD, Crown College
Elena Tonc PhD, Macalester College
Jackie Towner PhD, Bethel University
Robyn Wangberg PhD, Saint Mary's University of Minnesota
Joe Whittaker PhD, Concordia College - Moorhead
Graeme Wyllie PhD, Concordia College - Moorhead
The Annual Meeting and Winchell Undergraduate Research Symposium gives undergraduate students the opportunity to present their research and receive feedback from professional scientists in their field. Students are evaluated on the quality of their abstract, research, and presentation skills. The exact format of the judging or evaluation varies from year to year but the overarching goal remains the same: to provide students with the opportunity to present their research to professionals and receive feedback.
STEM professionals in industry and academia can help encourage excellence in undergraduate research by volunteering to give feedback at the symposium. Evaluators read student abstracts, observe student presentations, and submit brief written evaluations and feedback for students. Judges/evaluators must hold an advanced degree (or be a current advanced graduate student) and have research experience.
If you are interested in volunteering to be an evaluator at the Winchell Undergraduate Research Symposium, please contact Kris Fowler.